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Nanomedicine & Targeted Delivery

Research |

Polymeric Nanoparticles as Therapeutic Platforms

The nanotechnology as a basic and applied science has uncovered a universe of creative possibilities, impacting almost all aspect of society. Our research attempts to generate advanced therapeutic strategies based on polymeric nanoparticles for the precise delivery of drugs. Since early stages of the preclinical drug development, including the fundamental understanding and interactions of nanoparticles and the life sciences, our group is also focused on the study of pharmacological and toxicological effects of nanoparticles in the physiological and/or pathological conditions. The innovative structure and composition of our nanotherapeutics formulations include the use of novel biomaterials and targeting molecules that support its smart performance and precise organ/tissue delivery. 



Drug Delivery based on Microparticles Technology

The use of polymeric microparticles as controlled release technology provide a broad spectrum of therapeutic applications leading to the sustained release of drugs over long periods of time.

Our goal in this field is to develop innovative microtechnology systems based on novel biodegradable and biocompatible polymers suitable for the encapsulation and controlled release of antibiotics, chemotherapeutics and others molecules via intramuscular, oral and pulmonary delivery.



Novel Biomaterials for Nanotherapeutics

Polymer science is the key of current and future endeavor of drug delivery systems. Several parameter such as loading capacity, stability and the drug release mechanisms depend on the polymeric matrix of formulations. Our aim in this field is 

to develop novel biocompatible materials for the advancement of field of nanotherapeutics.



Funding | Current Research Support

  • Principal Investigator, Fondecyt Regular1201147 ANID (2020-2023).

  • Co-Investigator, Fondecyt Regular N° 1211143 ANID (2021-2024). Dr. Horacio Poblete – nano-biomaterials group (University of Talca).

  • Co-Investigator, Fondecyt Regular N° 1181408 ANID (2021-2024). Dra. Flavia Zacconi – design and synthesis Lab (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile).

  • Main Research of Basal Grant Nº AFB220001, CEDENNA (2020 - 2024 [May]) Line 4 NanoBioMedicine.

  • Research Associate of European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowsks-Curie Grant Agreement Nº 734801

  • Research Associate. Strengthening International Networks for the Development of Eco-Friendly Materials: Innovating with a Sustainable View” International Networks Project (Fortalecimiento de Redes Internacionales para el Desarrollo de Materiales Ecoamigables: Innovando con una Mirada Sostenible” ) Proyecto Redes Internacionales FOVI220086.  Dr. Francisco Rodríguez-Mercado (USACH).

Previous Research Support

  • Co-Investigator. FONDECYT Regular N° 1181408 . Synthesis of coagulation inhibitors coupled to nanoparticles with activity against factor Xa and platelet aggregation. A Green Chemistry strategy for the development of dual antithrombotic agents. (2018-2020).

  • Co-Sponsor of the Postdoctoral FONDECYT Funding Nº 3180250 (2018 - 2020).

  • Co-Investigator. Núcleo UNAB DI-36-18/“N” (2018-2020). Inhibición del reclutamiento de neutrófilos durante inflamación intestinal en pez cebra modulada por nanopartículas híbridas lípido-polímero. 

  • Sponsor of the Postdoctoral FONDECYT Funding Nº 3170938 (2017 - 2019).

  • Principal Investigator. FONDECYT Regular #1161438. Systematically evaluation of the mechanistic synergism between MAPK kinase inhibitor with clinically approved cytotoxic agents. (2016 – 2018). Principal Investigator.

  • Co-Investigator. ECOS-CONICYT–2016/PCI. Role of Renin angiotensin system in myogenesis and muscle regeneration: new combined therapeutic strategies based in nanomedicine for muscular dystrophies. (Principal Investigator: Dr. Claudio Cabello)(2017-2018).

  • Principal Investigator. UNAB – Regular Grant (2015 - 2016). Desarrollo y evaluación terapéutica de nanopartículas de PLA·DSPE-PEG(2000) con actividad antiplaquetaria.

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National |


Dora Altbir, Ph.D.

Center for Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Faculty of Science

University of Santiago

Santiago – Chile


Carmen Gloria Feijoo, Ph.D.

Laboratory of Immunology in fishes

Faculty of Life Sciences

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago – Chile


Flavia Zacconi, Ph.D.

Laboratory of Design and Organic Synthesis

Faculty of Chemistry

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile

Santiago, Chile


Claudio Cabello/Verrugio, Ph.D.
Laboratory of Muscle Pathology, Fragility and Aging

Faculty of Life Sciences

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago – Chile


Horacio Poblete, Ph.D.

Nano-Biomaterials Group 

Center for Bioinformatics and Molecular Simulations 

University of Talca

Talca – Chile


International |


Omid Farokhzad, MD.

Center for Nanomedicine – Farokhzad Lab

Brigham and Women's Hospital – Harvard Medical School. 

Boston, USA


Jinjun Shi, Ph.D.

Center for Nanomedicine

Brigham and Women's Hospital – Harvard Medical School. 

Boston, USA


Won IL Choi, Ph.D.

Center for Convergence Bioceramic Materials, Convergence R&D Division

Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET)

Seoul, Korea


Nazila Kamaly, Ph.D.

Molecular Science Research Hub

Imperial College London

London, UK


Basit Yameen Ph.D.

Department Of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering

LUMS University

Lahore, Pakistan


Carolina Salvador-Morales, Ph.D.

Laboratory of Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine

George Mason University 

Fairfax, VA, USA

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Av. Lircay s/n, Universidad de Talca |Talca, Chile
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