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VilosLab | LNTD- Laboratorio de nanomedicina y liberación dirigida Talca Chile Universidad de Talca

Funding Information

The current funding for our research includes several grants under the FONDECYT Regular program - ANID, Government of Chile, focusing on diverse aspects of nanomedicine and nanotechnology

Current Research Support

Previous Research Support

  • Co-Investigator. FONDECYT Regular N° 1211143. Computational nanotechnology: rational design of peptide-based functional biomaterials to enhance molecular recognition. (2021-2024). Principal Investigator: Dr. Horacio Poblete, University of Talca.

  • Co-Investigator. FONDECYT Regular N° 1181408. Newly piperazinone derivatives with antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory properties: environmentally-friendly synthesis, characterization, and biological evaluation. (2021-2024). Principal Investigator: Dra. Flavia Zacconi. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

  • Principal Investigator, FONDECYT Regular N° 1201147. Dual inhibition of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and the extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) induce a synergistic effect of chemotherapeutic drugs on colorectal cancer. (2020-2023). University of Talca.

  • Main Researcher. Basal Grant Nº AFB220001 (2023). Basal Center for Associative Research (CEDENNA, Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) Supported by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), University of Santiago of Chile, Santiago - Chile.

  • Main Researcher. Basal Grant Nº AFB180001 (2019-2022). Basal Center for Associative Research (CEDENNA, Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) Supported by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), University of Santiago of Chile, Santiago - Chile.

  • Associated Researcher. European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under the Marie Sklodowsks-Curie Grant Agreement Nº 734801 (2017-2021/2023). Coordinated by UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO/ EUSKAL HERRIKO UNIBERTSITATEA, Spain.

  • Sponsor of the Postdoctoral Program of University of Talca (2021-2022). Dr. Thais Carmona.

  • Main Researcher (2018-2019); Associate Researcher (2015-2018); Young Researcher (2013-2015); PhD Student (2009-2012). Basal Grant Nº FB0807 (2009-2018). Basal Center for Associative Research (CEDENNA, Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology) Supported by the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development (ANID), University of Santiago of Chile, Santiago - Chile.

  • Co-Investigator. FONDECYT Regular N° 1181408. Synthesis of coagulation inhibitors coupled to nanoparticles with activity against factor Xa and platelet aggregation. A Green Chemistry strategy for the development of dual antithrombotic agents. (2018-2020). PI. Dra. Flavia Zacconi. Pontifical Catholic University of Chile.

  • Co-Sponsor of the Postdoctoral FONDECYT Funding Nº 3180250 (2018 - 2020). Nitin Bharat Charbe, PhD. Co-mentoring with Prof. Flavia Zacconi at Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

  • Co-Investigator. Nucleus UNAB DI-36-18/N (2018-2020). Inhibition of neutrophil recruitment during intestinal inflammation in zebrafish modulated by hybrid lipid-polymer nanoparticles. PI. Dra. Carmen Gloria Feijoo (University Andres Bello), Co-PI: Dra. Eyleen Araya (University Andres Bello).

  • Sponsor of the Postdoctoral FONDECYT Funding Nº 3170938 (2017 - 2019). Dr. Bruno Cisterna. University Andres Bello.

  • Principal Investigator. FONDECYT Regular #1161438. Systematically evaluation of the mechanistic synergism between MAPK kinase inhibitor with clinically approved cytotoxic agents. (2016 – 2018). Principal Investigator. University Andres Bello.

Logo Centro ND3 UTalca

LNTD is part of the Center for Nanomedicine Diagnostic and Drug Development

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